Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday Family Gathering

Sunday the chuch bells rang again at around 9:45AM calling the people of the neighborhood to church as they usually do.  The bells usually chime the hour and quarter hours (So I never have to wonder what time it is!) but at special times they begin ringing and chiming with all the different bells available without stopping for  several minutes. It is a very romantic and charming sound and makes me want to run out into the street to attend services with these people as they pour out of their houses and begin walking toward the church.
At about 11:15 I noticed something a bit different than what is usual and ran to get my camera. There was a family dressed in their finery (mostly black) standing on the sidewalk across from the church waiting for a photographer to take their picture. At the center was a baby carriage. I can only imagine that the 14 or so people were gathered for a christening of a child.  After their picture was snapped, they all began walking down the sidewalk in a group. I lost sight of them after a while, but I guess they were going to someone's home to share a special meal to celebrate the day.  I wonder what delicious German treats they served!
The whole group was so happy and smiling.  There were older people, younger people, kids and grandkids...a very warm and wonderful sight...all from my little apartment window.

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