Friday, May 17, 2013

Maiweissen Bier Festival in Burghausen!

What an exciting time to be back in Burghausen.  Every year in May (Mai) the Bier Festival arrives. It's amazing to watch the entire city come out for this event day after day...kinda like Riverbend in Chattanooga.  It lasts for 10 days and the food/bier/entertainment/rides are first class.  The quality of their tents and equipment are first class...but what else would you expect out of a German.  The bier comes in "Mass", which equals to 1 Liter.  Three and a half of these is equivalent to one gallon. 

Our friend Daria took this picture. The weather was awesome and the Ferris Wheel was calling Deede's name.  I was off that day celebrating Jesus ascending into Heaven.  Yep, we get a day off for that. 

What a view of the Castle (Burg).  It's in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest Castle in the World.  It is over a mile long.  On the left hand side is a yellow field of flowers.  Wow!  The colors were magical that day.

Another photo from the Ferris Wheel.  Since I am terrified of heights, taking these pictures kept my mind elsewhere.  It was about 3:00 pm and was very crowded.  It's amazing to see the local people support these events.  And even with this much beer being served, I never saw a single fight or argument.  

Beautiful green grass.  If you look close at the shadow, you can see me waving. (no, not really)

Being the engineer geek, I am fascinated at how things work.  This Ferris Wheel has 4 tires that turn the wheel.  The metal is rough so the tires can grip in wet weather.  Keep it simple.
Posted by Billy.

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