Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30th Anniversary in Europe! Who would have thought...

 Surprisingly, we are once again in Europe. We never dreamed we would be back, living in our beloved Burghausen, Germany in less than a year after we thought we'd left it forever.
Here's Billy in a Salzburg coffee house making great efforts to read
German newspapers and magazines.
He's actually coming along very well on his language studies...but its real work.
Yesterday we left for a short trip to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.
 The pedestrian bridge in Salzburg, Austria is covered with locks placed by people commemorating their relationships. It is one of the most romantic spots on the planet for me.
Before we left Tennessee, I scrounged up a lock I've had for a while at home and had it engraved at a Chattanooga jewelry shop.
Billy and Deede -April 30, 1983 "
Yesterday, we went to the bridge and hung our lock with the hundreds of others.
It was wonderful to be here once more. Next time, I will make an effort to visit the Mirabella Gardens and some of the other Sound of Music sites. It was a short visit but I would have loved to stay to shop at the boutiques and to people watch...but we were on our way to another great location.

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