Friday, December 23, 2011

Energy Options in German Homes

 Yesterday, a truck stopped by and took out a long hose.  They were delivering wood pellets to the basement of our apartment building! It kind of reminded me of how coal was delivered to American homes during the first half of this past century.
These wood pellets that are about the size of a large vitamin C tablet and they were pumping them in by air into storage compartments.

This is our landlord's son chatting with the delivery guy as he works.
Our Wohnung (apartment) has 4 units (3 occupied) and they are heated by a wood-fired boiler and radiator system.  The radiators in our place remind me of a pared-down version of the old heavy radiators they had in my elementary school when I was a kid.
If you need to get warm in a hurry...there' not a problem. Also, you can lay your wet mittens on them and they are dry in no time! There is something SO nostalgic about that, but the system seem VERY efficient.
In the top picture, you can also see the solar panels on the house across the street. That is another popular energy option that's available here.

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