Friday, August 19, 2011

Grocery Store -big box

Here is Billy with the "grocery getter" at the store about a half mile away from our house. It is called "Kaufland".  "Kauf" is German for buy.  This is one of the few stores that is pretty similar to an American shopping is a big box store a bit like Target or Kmart.  You have to put a Euro in the shopping cart to get one and ALL the wheels you can move sideways with it.  Here's something interesting:  They don't take credit cards or checks.  They only take cash or a local debit card.  That got me in trouble one day.  I had 75 Euros of merchandise and only about 50 in cash!  No one spoke English and it was crazy.  The checkout girl shouted out a call for someone who spoke English and a man stepped out of the gawlking crowd and helped me!  I guess they'll always remember me as the unprepared American...its a small town. But they were very nice...Bavarians are generally very friendly.

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